Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Black shoe is simply too nice..

i want it! fred perry canvas shoe!

Monday, February 21, 2011


I LIKE THE STITCHING?! SO NICE..they called it "Japanese selvage denims" as u can see the inner of the denim jeans,( the white line) that is what the difference with other denim jeans..and i like it!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I used to become a very well-mannered person, i can't really remember when it was. maybe 16 or 17. At that time, i was friends with a twin indian boys, but they look no alike. They are 3 years younger than me, who i known since i was primary school, we are not same school though, they stayed near my house. I always be the big brother, cuz everytime, their toys got spoilt, i will help to fix and i'm good in drawing, and they admire me because of this.

We used to play badminton together, guli, football, westling, carrom and many more.( we play westling like we imitate our superhero, each of us has our superhero in WWF, mine was The Rock, the elder twin indian boy was the Stone cold steven austin, undertaker and kane, the younger one's same with me. So playing like what u wactched on the tv3, we sung very loud of the song or music when we came out.i still can remembered The Rock's song, is something like this "If you can smell, what the rock is cooking!) and the elder was always wanted wins, he was that kind of person who wanted to win in all fields, in studies, in games, in eveythings! that's why he got a good results, he felt sad when he got a bad results. But he getting very understanding when he grew up, he is good in managing his time which i think is very good at the very young like him knowing time is very important, So we started to communicate in english, at that time, my english is suck. But they were too kind and patient talked with me using broken-english and sometime mixed malays. And seriously, the elder one had taught me a lots. He changed my life i should say.

Because at that time, i don't really interested in study, i was playing around, didn't know what i want in life. My first story book was borrowed from them, they used to bought a lots of books, although they are very poor, so most of their books were borrowed from school, no matter how poor they are, the father knows education is very important for the children, he gaves both of them tuition, buy books,toys and their favourite foods, so at the very young age, they are orderly to study after 1 hour of playing till 7pm. Both of them will took out their books, and the father would teach what he know, as the father was a hotel usherer, sometime, got some tips. I was so admired of the elder brother, he was a very hardworking person, polite, and matured. but the younger one was other way round, he likes to play cheat, not very hardworking, a little bit "lil smart". But both of them are very good in studies.

So, at that time, i started to read more in english books material,read starmag every sunday even now,then started to borrow books from school, both english and malays, at that time, my classmates were so like giving me the look like i'm pretending to be a good student, and i brought dictionary and story books to school,but i don't care, because i know it is good for me and eventually i built a habbit of reading.( as u know, public schools are sucks, they dun really teach, most of the time, we just "lepak", go other class chit chat,one gang go toilet, ponteng, go cybercafe, but had funs also, it would very free everyday.)

At that time, i used to become a very good mannered person, i wave with people, i say "Hi" to people, i smile when meet people, i say loud, "i'm back" to my parents when i came back from school. I will called my parent "daddy" and "mummy". All of these are influened by the 2 indian boys, i'm so appreaciate! they called Ramesh the elder one, Rajen the younger one, and one little brother called Suresh, and one little sister, dunno what her name..haha

i definitely will find them one day!!! so good to know them! they are my childhood's memorises.

COMME des GARCONS PLAY x Converse Jack Purcell

I was thinking to buy a brand new sneaker, since i had sold my vans and no sneaker which i think is easy to match, i wanted to buy a shoe that i can wear longer, durable, easy to match, cuz i dun wanna buy some more shoes. So, black shoe is always the best choice for matching. Still i was thinking to find a nice vans, but i like this shoe!!! And i dunwan to buy 2 pairs...what i dun like about this shoe is, i think is not nice matching with short pant( because the line at the front)

Fyi, CdG's stuffs are so expensive...insteads of get a same product just dun have the logo of LOVE's shape...i choose the following converse Jack Purcell. it costs around rm145.90, whereas the above one rm 700++

I like this shoe, mainly because of the uniqueness of the shoe, i'm saying the front have a "line"....at the very very beginning, when i first saw the shoe in the internet, i dun like it, and i think is ugly also because the line at the front, and i dunno why ppl like it, but now i'm loving it. HAHAHA it's funny!...and i dun really fancy about converse shoes, but this is the ONLY ONE i think. And i already can image wearing this shoe with khakis or chino pant is perfect! BUT, matching with short pant, i dun think is nice...
My wonderful girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married. There was only one little thing bothering me...It was her beautiful younger sister. My prospective sister-in-law was twenty-two, wore very tight miniskirts, and generally was bra-less. She would regularly bend down when she was near me, and I always got more than a nice view. It had to be deliberate. Because she never did it when she was near anyone else.

One day her 'little' sister called and asked me to come over to check the wedding invitations. She was alone when I arrived, and she whispered to me that she had feelings and desires for me that she couldn't overcome. She told me that she wanted me just once before I got married and committed my life to her sister. Well, I was in total shock, and couldn't say a word. She said, 'I'm going upstairs to my bedroom, and if you want one last wild fling, just come up and get me.' I was stunned and frozen in shock as I watched her go up the stairs. I stood there for a moment, then turned and made a beeline straight to the front door. I opened the door, and headed straight towards my car.

To my surprise, my entire future family was standing outside, all clapping! With tears in his eyes, my father-in-law hugged me and said, 'We are very happy that you have passed our little test. We couldn't ask for a better man for our daughter. Welcome to the family.' And the moral of this story is:

------> Always keep your condoms in your car.


A girl takes her new boyfriend back home after the dance. She tells him to be very, very quiet as her parent are asleep upstairs and if they wake up, she would be in big trouble as she's not allowed to bring boys home. They settle down to business on the sofa, but after a while, he stops and says, "Where's the toilet, I need to go".

She says, "Its next to my parent's bedroom. You can't go there, you might wake them up. Use the sink in the kitchen instead."

He goes into the kitchen then, after a short while, he pops his head round the door and says to his girlfriend, "HAVE YOU GOT ANY PAPER?"

Thursday, February 10, 2011

“Spring is past

Summer has gone

And winter is here

And the song that I meant to sing

Remains unsung

For I’ve spent my days

Stringing and unstringing my instrument.”

This is a song of a sad heart who wanted to dance one day. Who wished to live life, when everything is correct, when everything is perfect. So sad, it never got a chance, and died one day.

We all wait for that perfect day and forget to live in the moment.

We always push the life and postpone living. We tend to forget that life is going day by day. The day is not so far when we will be going back to the sky. This is the best time to live, to love, to celebrate the gift of life. This is the best time to make decisions. This is the best time to change. This is the best time to stop for a minute and look for the best out of life.

I am sure we don’t like to wait for someone in a coffee shop or on a bus- stop for so long, so why waiting to live?

Tomorrow never dies. Tomorrow never comes. Life is now. Right here in this moment.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I have not try these before, these colorful mini burger? called Macaroons, i saw in someone fb's photo album. It caught my attention, mainly because the colors, and it looks cute, but dunno how it taste like, would like to get it a try. U can get these at Empire gallery, subang. One Utama-a cafe calls Cafe Lava, and some other place perhaps.


Time shown me how much i had changed, the photos shown my taste of clothing. Which i feel ugly now. I dunno why i'd go and pierce my ear, i dunno why i'd like to matching graf T-shirt with baggy jeans and sneakers.( i dun like streetwear now) I dunno why i worn the colorful belt. I dun like the hairsytle. Enough is enough. I always think now is better, what i wear now is nicer. Even just a few years( 1 to 2 years), it's so much different, in term of my taste of fashions( still i'll never admit i'm good in fashions, cuz i know there're alot more ppl out there are better), the ways of how i see things now. Which i think is good, cuz i have already improved.

What i hope for the following years is to fully utilise my time to do what is good for myself and also people around me. To reallyfocus on things that i want, spend time wisely.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Quick Trivia – Why US iPhones are $199/299?

Quick trivia for you. Being the typical Malaysian, you must have already done some quick calculations. US$199/299 ONLY?!

Well hang on a minute. US$199 sounds like a sweet deal but it doesn’t factor in the carrier costs. One main reason why the iPhone 3G/3GS is locked in the first place is because it is meant to be bound to a (usually 2 year minimum) network carrier contract. If you add up all the costs of the contract, the iPhone itself as well as the transportation, processing and markup charges, you will end up with the average prices found in the market for an unofficially unlocked iPhone 3G/3GS/4. I’ll leave it to you to do the math.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

There're 4 types of facebook users,

1.)They're very active in social network (facebook), but NOT active in real life.
2.)They're NOT active in facebook, but active in real life.
3.)Neither active in facebook, nor real life.
4.)Active BOTH in facebook and real life.

Active= More Express Themselves (write status)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I always has this thinking in my mind, as we are now living in this high tech generation. Our parents and older generation people were getting hard to catch up with the high tech gadgets. Does it will happens to us someday when we getting older? where we may hardly catch up with our children's advanced technology?

I used to asked my mom this question, and she said it will happens to us someday. But for me there are 2 possible, either it will or it will not. LOL

IT WILL, simply because every generation people have difference life of living, from our ancestor to our grandparent to our parent to us now. There are a huge difference life of living. The very good example like, nowadays, our parents are barely know how to use the cellphone, the computer like we did it...they probably know how to call and text...but they may not know how to access to Internet, GPS and so on...okay, I'm saying majority in malaysia, i know some parents are good in high-tech gadget, i was surprised to saw and heard about older people in his or her 50-60's using the latest I-phone4...how i wish my parents are them. I know this is also the matter of "willing to learn". But somehow, i do believe that, no matter what, they're still something they can't catch up with the young people like us. they may not know the usefulness of internet. ( p/s, even young gen like us are sometimes found it hard to cope with the new technology)

IT WILL NOT, because we( y and z- gen) are more willing to learn and change, even in our daily life, everything needed to be fast, we are trained to be in the fast paced environemnt, we are more knowledgeable, and we know more ways to solve problems (we choose the most effective and efficient ways), we use Internet to get the information instead of watching TV news and read newspaper,magazines, twitter and facebook...we check the consumer's feedback before we visit the outlets to purchase...people now are more educated. Besides, as we are young, we learn things faster, and we absorb new things easily compare to elder people. as they are the generation seeing the huge changed of the technology, from no TV to now using plasma Tv, the advanced automobile and so on. this may hard for them to cope with the high-tech machine, their childhood living lifestyle had formed their personality.

Somehow, these are still a no answers for this question.
no one will know what will happen in the future, perhaps the future technology are far beyond that we think...